
Showing posts from February, 2018

Inspiration from Gustave Dore

I like to submit comics to the signal newspaper but recently I've been having difficulties coming up with ideas. I don't like forcing anything on myself so I figured I'll just draw for fun until I come up with something I like.There's not a lot of incentive to submit comics for them anyway, so I'm under no obligation to (unless they pay me). I wanted to go back to my routes for a little bit and draw traditionally rather than digitally. Recently I've been absolutely captivated by Gustave Dore's work:   I liked this image so much that I wanted to flesh out the story of Jacob wrestling God in comic form. It would go like this:   Jacob is alone sitting at a fire, contemplating the flame, filled with anxiety. All of a sudden, he sees a flash of light in the forest. He runs over to investigate. In the darkness Jacob sees two eyes like beams pierce his soul, it stands up on its legs like a bear of 8 feet tall. The creature attacks Jacob, but Jacob fights


Last Thursday my former roommate/PAL (peer academic leader), who was fired from his job in housing due to accusations from another former roommate, invited me to attend a dinner party for housing students that made it on the dean's list. Of course, I didn't make the list, I went as his guest, I don't even know what my GPA is. I had forgotten that he invited me. It wasn't until he phoned me during my intro to drawing class that I was reminded. I called my drawing instructor to the side and whispered if I can leave class early to attend the event. He practically announced to the entire class that I was allowed to leave because I was ahead of everyone else because they failed to follow instructions on our last assignment. Although I know I'm outperforming everyone, it's another thing to hear it from the instructor every class. What a way to inflate one's ego. At the time I held myself in such a high esteem. I likely carried myself in a "pompous" man


I have a better outlook on college. My mindset has shifted and I want to learn new things. I realize that the ability to articulate and form arguments is the most powerful tool one can learn from college. You become a force to be reckoned with if taken seriously. Just look at all the greatest heroes and villains in history. Of course, I'm just regurgitating what I've learned from someone greater than I am. I'm also more optimistic compared to last semester. As a result, the chaos in my life has become manageable. Now there is only one thing that is spoiling my college experience. One of my roommates has finally shown his true colors. From the beginning I never really liked him. He was a religious ideologue type. A hypocritical one at that. I still gave him the benefit of the doubt because that's what I'd want anyone to do for me. It wasn't until the beginning of this semester that I had a genuine reason to dislike him. He's been known to have petty dispu