
I have a better outlook on college. My mindset has shifted and I want to learn new things. I realize that the ability to articulate and form arguments is the most powerful tool one can learn from college. You become a force to be reckoned with if taken seriously. Just look at all the greatest heroes and villains in history. Of course, I'm just regurgitating what I've learned from someone greater than I am.

I'm also more optimistic compared to last semester. As a result, the chaos in my life has become manageable. Now there is only one thing that is spoiling my college experience.

One of my roommates has finally shown his true colors. From the beginning I never really liked him. He was a religious ideologue type. A hypocritical one at that. I still gave him the benefit of the doubt because that's what I'd want anyone to do for me. It wasn't until the beginning of this semester that I had a genuine reason to dislike him. He's been known to have petty disputes with rest of us (all four of us live in a dorm, each with our own room.) He also acts like a victim and tells us woe is me stories and accuses us of ganging up on him if we criticize him. Pathetic really, we're not in middle school anymore. Reminds me of Jerry from Rick and Morty. The three of us have been shrugging it off, but it is now a new semester. At this point it was habitual and I was getting tired of it.

He sent our group chat a picture of a used lint roller with hair on it (keep in mind that when using a lint roller its best not to expose a new role as it will collect dust and become less effective. He also never explicitly told us how he wants it to be used.) He accused us of being disgusting and immature as if it was done on purpose and said something along the lines of "This is the kind of things that make me not want to let you guys use my stuff." Honestly pathological, he shows characteristics of someone who has borderline personality disorder. Coupled with his religious dogma (this is coming from someone who values Christian ideals) he's like someone you'd find in an asylum along with that classic oedipal mother with schizophrenia. I never touched his damned lint roller, but since it was addressed to all of us I replied with:

"This is the kind of bitching that damages how your character is perceived: as a victim. You seem to wear the coat of victimhood quite nicely. However trivial the matter is, and it is, it shows some insight on who you are. Needless to say, I’d imagine there are a lot more constructive ways in handling your predicament. Of course, you don’t have to deem my criticism as valid, but it’s nice to get some unsolicited, unadulterated, insight from someone every once in awhile."
He told on me. Like a child. We were scheduled to have a roommate meeting with our RA. During the meeting I addressed the elephant in the room: He was the cause of all of our problems. I provided many instances of his pathological tendencies and my other roommates indirectly backed me up. Alas, we are stuck with him. Apparently, there can't be any more room switches, although I smell bullshit in that.
Afterward, I felt pity for him. Maybe I was a bit too harsh. He was crying the entire time (even before I said anything) and he seemed remorseful for his behavior and said he'll try to change. I didn't believe him for a second but I felt obligated to give him a second chance.


  1. like the way you connected what we did in class to your blog and as always love the pictures you add to your blog

    1. Thanks 👍 👍 👍 I actually made this blog a week earlier so the topic was more or less coincidence.

  2. Absolutely love the art! To the content of the situation, it never hurts to step back and try and see where the other person is coming from.

    1. Thank you! Also, we were extremely patient with him but he ultimately betrayed our trust. He eventually got kicked out of the dorm but he also got a number of staff fired in the process because of what transpired. We were being irresponsible, but he obviously told out of malicious intentions with no warning or genuine comments of concern. The situation may have escalated further than he anticipated, but whatever guilt or sorrow he feels now is well deserved. If he's smart he'll learn from it.


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