Archetypal story of the friend girl and boy

I'm still irked about what happened during the last post. Had to get a Birth Certificate. Forked out $60. Found out after paying that I need a Notary to sign a paper. More shit to do. I guess my frustration and fixation is motivation to not screw up in the future.

I had a falling out with someone I only recently became friends with, now former friends. Perhaps this is a testament to my friend making abilities. The issue was simple: she believed I was too insensitive, which is true. I believed she was too sensitive, which is also true. She acknowledged this herself in past conversation, though she'd likely deny it. I went so far as to consult a female friend and other qualified individuals, they all agreed but saw where she was coming from. 
My friends know I'm insensitive, often mean and rude, but they know me and they know that I ultimately mean well. My former friend did not know this. Normally I could talk my way out of these kinds of things, at least with people who make an effort to understand my point of view, but the platform was not in person, and my harsh truths and cold sounding texts did not help my case. Alas, she was possessed by emotion, and was accusing me of committing the same crime: 'you seem not to understand this or that'. What became increasingly clear was it wasn't about the contents of the issue, it was about the way it made her feel. Which would be fine, if only I knew the poor girl. She went about the whole thing as if it were a relationship. It wasn't, so I did not have the means to sort it out on the level she wanted it to be. It seemed as though she wanted me to acknowledge her feelings and show signs of guilt and remorse. I wasn't going to do that. I have respect for myself; my 'feelings' on the issue mattered just as much. I already apologized beforehand but it obviously wasn't enough. 
I recommended we try to meet somewhere in the middle, but she didn't want to share responsibility in the matter; it was my fault.
Hell, maybe it was. Point is, we wouldn't have made good friends anyway.

Is this an accurate representation of all girls? no, not at all. This was just my experience with this particular girl. Is this a story that some guys can relate to? I think so. If you're not a guy, I still think there's utility in understanding the thought process of one.

Is the subject matter inappropriate for an academic setting? Probably.


  1. The events you have shared remind me of an experience with a new friend I had made in my first year at Stan. Me and her are not friends anymore.

    "Real intellectuals turn any subject, however lightweight it may seem, into grist for their mill through the thoughtful questions they bring to it" --Graff "Hidden Intellectualism"

    Though I am not sure I would pose the question that potentially labels "all girls" to a particular behavior.

    1. The underlying biological whims of men and women make things a bit more complicated sometimes, at the very least compared to relationships with same sex.


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