
Showing posts from September, 2017

First assignments for The Signal

So I got the job as a cartoonist/illustrator for The Signal Newspaper. I wouldn't say job since I'm not getting paid (with my quality of work I should be getting something!) but it's cool nonetheless. I'll be able to make many projects with plenty of creative freedoms and liberties while also building a portfolio. The first meeting I attended was really awkward for me, as with any interactions involving a group of people. Everyone was really nice so it released some of the tension. One of the things we discussed were the logo designs I mentioned last blog. We passed around a number of designs that were sent in. My designs definitely will not be chosen. Some of the designs passed around looked a lot more appropriate and easier to read than mine. This is fine, logos and designs are not exactly my thing. Apparently, there was another artist there hired to do the same things I'll be doing. I think he's also a photographer. I don't know how good he is. It would

The Signal Newspaper

Last week I stopped by The Signal Newspaper Office to see if I can join their newspaper as a cartoonist. They sounded pretty enthusiastic about the idea. As a matter of fact, they were talking about hiring a cartoonist not long before I walked in. The only problem I have is the way they were wording themselves based on the short interview and emails. From the looks of it, they just want to collaborate on a couple projects, but not keep me as an official cartoonist for their paper. Ideally, I'd want to work with them during my entire college career --earning money while making comic strips. But this honestly sounds too good to be true. Since I'm such a pessimist, I predict they're gonna want me to work on a few projects, but with limited creative freedom. They'll make me constantly change the final outcome of a piece because it doesn't meet their "vision" or something weak sauce like that. I got this impression when they gave me the mission to make a new de
So last week I had a little quarrel with one of my professors. I have an art history class. From the first day, I could already tell that I will not like it. The entire class is too left winged for my liking (I'm independent.) The teacher thinks anything that doesn't "accurately" portray any group of people is automatically racist. There's a specific student that always makes unnecessary jokes or comments or questions that I find extremely irritable. She always has a rebuttal for the way I interpret a piece of art, EVEN THOUGH ART IS COMPLETELY SUBJECTIVE. And just the subject, in general, is completely useless to me. It's a required class for art majors, and it teaches information I will never use (or even want to use) in the real world. So to the problem at hand: In one of my assignments where we read an article, write about it, and in the end have the OPTION to write what we think about the article;  I a Apparently  said some things that rubbed the professo

Comic Book

I have a Comic Book seminar Class. It's a class that is about comic book literature. Our final assignment for the class is to make our own comic book. We begin the project a couple of weeks before its due. I decided to do it 16 weeks before it's due. Why? Because I want it to be really freakin good.  Now I already have the plot down, it took me a few days to thinking and revising. It wasn't until I made a few sketches of the story that I decided to go with it. It goes like this, sorry if you find it inappropriate: A slutty girl attends a Christian college because she got a full ride to go there. She fails an exam so she tries to sleep with the teacher to pass the class. It doesn't work so instead of hitting the books to study, she hits the books to summon Satan to sell her soul for better grades because she doesn't care. A demon is summoned, but it's not Satan. She tries to sell her soul but he laughs at her saying he doesn't do that kind of business anym