First assignments for The Signal

So I got the job as a cartoonist/illustrator for The Signal Newspaper. I wouldn't say job since I'm not getting paid (with my quality of work I should be getting something!) but it's cool nonetheless. I'll be able to make many projects with plenty of creative freedoms and liberties while also building a portfolio. The first meeting I attended was really awkward for me, as with any interactions involving a group of people. Everyone was really nice so it released some of the tension. One of the things we discussed were the logo designs I mentioned last blog. We passed around a number of designs that were sent in. My designs definitely will not be chosen. Some of the designs passed around looked a lot more appropriate and easier to read than mine. This is fine, logos and designs are not exactly my thing.
Apparently, there was another artist there hired to do the same things I'll be doing. I think he's also a photographer. I don't know how good he is. It would be exciting to finally meet another artist just as skilled and passionate as I am. But when the editors mentioned the day of the dead stuff, he immediately volunteered himself to work any assignments for the holiday. That eliminated any chance of me doing anything for that holiday, and an immediate rivalry was set in place.  Maybe it's a one-sided rivalry since I'm probably the only one feeling cheated, but that doesn't matter. I mean, no other artist would do that holiday any justice the way I would! I'm gonna be very disappointed if it doesn't come out very good.

Here are the first graphics I completed for the paper:

The first one is for a movie review for the movie it. The second one is about the great California shake out.
I'm a little disappointed my pennywise cartoon will only be featured in the online issue, I was hoping to see it printed and distributed with the paper.


  1. I think once you feel a little more comfortable you'll be more open to volunteer before the other guy. Just speak up and you should be fine, don't count your abilities out. Your work is nice.

  2. Jace! My gash! I just love how we talked about rivalry just today at our break and I can just imagine how funny is to think about that one way rivalry that you talked about. Knowing you this sound funny even though you actually mean it. Because of this blog and personal conversations with you, you made me think of other artists as your rivals but that just might be me and you actually mean a friend and a rival. Even so it looks like you should take it easy and go with the flow once in a while.

  3. Very impressive Jace. It sucks to not get paid for you work, but sooo many jobs and industries start that way. Be sure to keep all your work in an ongoing resume. You will be able to cash it in one day :)


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