Art for Art's sake

I have said it before and I'll say it again, I love art for its aesthetics, skill, and storytelling. 
In printmaking, we were instructed to make thumbnail sketches for the ideas we had for our next project (this one is about portraits/self-portraits.) We do this before every project and every time I don't have any sketches ready to show. It's not that I'm lazy, well I am, I just don't have any good ideas until I'm pressured to. The instructors go around giving suggestions to the students about there sketches. Everyone had sentimental stories and meanings behind their sketches. When it came to me, I did not.  I have a philosophy that if I have to explain what is going on in my art than I have failed as an artist. I don't care about deeper themes or meanings, at least that's not my top priority, I mostly care about how it looks. He told me I was very combative. Perhaps, but it's because I want to be a comic artist or animator and meaning is always conveyed through storytelling; through multiple images. I want my art to come to life. One image, to me, is very restrictive. There's only so much I can convey with an 8"x10" canvas. I don't recall much of what he said, talked about why meaning is important, or it should be personal (wanted me to draw a family member) and college is a place for yadda yadda. I remember feeling really discouraged afterward. Discouraged about everything, especially about staying in college for an art degree. I started to question if I even need an art degree to do the things I want to do. I promised myself that if I still feel discouraged by the end of the school year then I'll most likely drop out. Till then I could only try my best.

Cover art for Comic, still can't think of a title:


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