First Year Seminar Picnic

On Friday the 13th, there was a first-year seminar picnic at the University Pergola for students in the first year seminar classes. My first-year seminar class being the comic seminar. I went in hopes of having comic related discussions with like-minded individuals and perhaps make new friends, specifically with a frizzy-haired girl of dark complexion who wore glasses. I go out of my way to sit next to her each and every class.
The August I arrived at Stanislaus to settle into the dorms was the first time I saw her. It was during a stupid icebreaker game where somebody goes in the middle of everyone's formed circle and says something they're interested in and everyone who has the same interest scrambles to find another spot in the circle. When I was in the middle I said comic books, and she was the only one who stepped out of the circle. The second time I saw her was during an assembly dinner for the dormies. She had a shirt of my favorite anime JoJo's Bizzare Adventure, a franchise I have never seen someone wear a shirt of. I needed a way to acknowledge to her that I'm also a huge fan. So I made a stupid gesture to her that only fellow fans would get. I think I embarrassed her but she laughed. The third time, to more or less of my surprise, was the first day of the comic seminar class. Since then I made pathetic attempts to get to know and befriend her. I thought today would be my surest chance to actually do so.
To my luck, She didn't show up. As a matter of fact, no one from the comic seminar class showed up. It was only me and the Professor. We had some awkward conversations. I showed him the progress of my comic book and he was very impressed. After one too many pizzas I left. I figured it wasn't gonna get better from there.
I always kinda liked the philosophy: only choose battles you know you can win (or at least for me, ones I don't care to win.) To put it bluntly, She doesn't seem like a battle I can win.
She's extremely insignificant to my life, and I to hers. She doesn't seem like the most exciting person to be around, but neither do I. Whenever I notice her frizzy hair 100 feet away, I purposely avoid going the same direction so it doesn't feel like I'm stalking her. Out of the few times I tried talking to her she didn't reciprocate any questions and she barely made an effort to maintain eye contact. At this point I have to admit to myself something: I like this person. And to be honest, I don't like it.

Update on comic, decided to just go with black and white:


  1. It very adorable how you went out of your way to get to meet her but tragically things didn't go your way. Wonder if she will ever read this though.


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