
Showing posts from October, 2017

Art for Art's sake

I have said it before and I'll say it again, I love art for its aesthetics, skill, and storytelling.  In printmaking, we were instructed to make thumbnail sketches for the ideas we had for our next project (this one is about portraits/self-portraits.) We do this before every project and every time I don't have any sketches ready to show. It's not that I'm lazy, well I am, I just don't have any good ideas until I'm pressured to. The instructors go around giving suggestions to the students about there sketches. Everyone had sentimental stories and meanings behind their sketches. When it came to me, I did not.  I have a philosophy that if I have to explain what is going on in my art than I have failed as an artist. I don't care about deeper themes or meanings, at least that's not my top priority, I mostly care about how it looks. He told me I was very combative. Perhaps, but it's because I want to be a comic artist or animator and meaning is always

First Year Seminar Picnic

On Friday the 13th, there was a first-year seminar picnic at the University Pergola for students in the first year seminar classes. My first-year seminar class being the comic seminar. I went in hopes of having comic related discussions with like-minded individuals and perhaps make new friends, specifically with a frizzy-haired girl of dark complexion who wore glasses. I go out of my way to sit next to her each and every class. The August I arrived at Stanislaus to settle into the dorms was the first time I saw her. It was during a stupid icebreaker game where somebody goes in the middle of everyone's formed circle and says something they're interested in and everyone who has the same interest scrambles to find another spot in the circle. When I was in the middle I said comic books, and she was the only one who stepped out of the circle. The second time I saw her was during an assembly dinner for the dormies. She had a shirt of my favorite anime JoJo's Bizzare Adventure ,

The Getty Conference

(photo of where I head breakfast in the hotel) For Art History we were given the choice to attend a conference instead of taking the final. Since I don't anticipate on getting a good grade on the final, I figured it would be the best course of action to go. I made an event out of it since it took place in LA and my home is in Riverside which isn't too far away. I went to LA by Amtrak and stayed in a fancy hotel with my dad who picked me up at the bus station. In the morning we made our way to the Getty conference but my dad ended up taking me to the Getty Museum which is 30 minutes away from the Getty Conference! When I finally made it to the conference I was an hour late and I missed 3 speakers. In order to get a full grade I had to attend the whole event and write a paragraph on each speaker. Since I already have a bad history with my history teacher, there's a good chance she will not cut me any slack.   The conference overall was incredibly boring. The topics did n

Social/Political Art

I hate Social/Political art. In Printmaking we were given the task to make a piece concerning society and politics. Everyone else was making cliche themes and ideas for their pieces. Of course being the problematic person I am, I wanted to make something a little different than whats expected. I wanted to depict two women castrating a man to symbolize the decline of masculinity and manhood in today's society partly do because of the SJW and modern feminist agenda. When the professor came around to look at my sketches, he said I should be prepared to have a discussion with the class about my piece. Also, the professor's assistant, who I have a little crush on, happens to be the president of the feminist club so now she hates me a little bit. The idea turned me off, everyone's pretty set on who they are and what they believe in. I don't care enough about the topic to do it any justice. My artwork is not gonna add anything new to the conversation. As a matter of fact, i